Friday, October 9, 2009

Government-controlled health care destroyed human dignity.

Wanna cut some med costs 30+% without sacrificing quality? Just have patients rely more on CVS, Walmart, etc. for care. From the Post:


  1. Pratt points to a good article. If left to the free market, resources would seek uses where they get teh greatest benefit. This would be walk in clinics staff with physician's assistants and nurses leaving major care to the physicians in their offices. The fact the medical profession is against these and calling them low quality is the same reason the AMA initially set up licensing for MDs and drove midwives and other non MD practioners out of the market.

  2. An elaboration of the point that Boyes makes was posted over at Taking Hayek Seriously

    SEMINAR: Hayek’s _The Road to Serfdom_ (post #3)

    More from F. A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom, chapter 11, “The End of Truth”, p. 171:

    A central issues raised in this first section of chapter 11 concerns the compatibility of a top down / socialist vision of a coercively ordered “good society” with dissent from divergent value / plan perspectives inherently incompatible with the value and belief demands assumed by the centrally conceived and directed political-bureaucratic program.
