Entrepreneurship in a Capitalist Economy
Principles P600 — with Peter G. Klein
COST: $255
DATES: JUNE 7, 2010 - AUGUST 7, 2010
Entrepreneurship courses, programs, and activities are springing up not only in business schools, but also in colleges of arts and sciences, engineering, education, social work, and even fine arts. Surprisingly, however, while the entrepreneur is fundamentally an economic agent—the “driving force of the market,” in Mises’s phrase—modern economics maintains an ambivalent relationship with entrepreneurship. Klein’s course, based on his new book, sorts it all out toward the goal of a realistic understanding.
While solidly grounded in Austrian and neoclassical theory, the course emphasizes applications to real-world business problems and implications for current (or budding) entrepreneurs, managers, and concerned citizens.
There are no formal prerequisites other than intellectual curiosity and a willingness to learn. The course is designed at the undergraduate/MBA level, though graduate students, executives, and other professionals are welcomed.
Weekly Topics:
Concepts of Entrepreneurship
Production and Cost
The Theory of the Firm: Introduction
The Boundaries of the Firm
Organizational Design
Corporate Governance and Corporate Control
The Corporation and the State
The United States Needs a Spending Chainsaw
9 hours ago
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